In Utah you are not required to wear a helmet over a certain age when you ride a motorcycle. Yet I, as a passenger in a car have to wear a seat belt! If a car crashes seat belts save lives! If a motorcyclist gets in a wreck they stand a better chance of serious injury! I think lawmakers need to look at the statistics.
My son lives in Oregon, works for a Motorcycle website, and is appalled when he visits Utah! Very many motorcyclists are without helmets, weaving in and out of traffic! He was recently hit by a car in a round-a-bout in London. He ended up with a broken collar bone, but credits his helmet for saving his life! Now if you or someone you love rides a motorcycle - wear a helmet! It could just save your life, or the life of someone you love. We only have one life, live it safely!
That is crazy. I heard about his flight and drive back too. I hope he gets better soon.