Monday, December 5, 2011


Just a thought: do you tell your kids there is no Santa Claus? As a child my parents never told me, somewhere and sometime kids figure it out for themselves. I never told my children, they figure it out. No words.

I bring this up because my niece told her 8 yr old daughter! I told her she muffed up, but since she knew the 8 yr old had to be an elf and make Christmas fun for the younger siblings.

Today I googled "Yes Virginia there is a Santa Claus". It explains the magic of Christmas, please share your ideas on this.

Saturday, September 24, 2011


I think the thing I like best in September is the fall weather! The leaves where I live are colored red, yellow, and orange, gorgeous!
I live close to the Rocky Mountains, they look like a box of Trix (the cereal) got spilled on them!

Tuesday, July 19, 2011


In Utah you are not required to wear a helmet over a certain age when you ride a motorcycle. Yet I, as a passenger in a car have to wear a seat belt! If a car crashes seat belts save lives! If a motorcyclist gets in a wreck they stand a better chance of serious injury! I think lawmakers need to look at the statistics.

My son lives in Oregon, works for a Motorcycle website, and is appalled when he visits Utah! Very many motorcyclists are without helmets, weaving in and out of traffic! He was recently hit by a car in a round-a-bout in London. He ended up with a broken collar bone, but credits his helmet for saving his life! Now if you or someone you love rides a motorcycle - wear a helmet! It could just save your life, or the life of someone you love. We only have one life, live it safely!

Friday, July 15, 2011

Eagle scouts

My biggest pet peeve is parents who won't let their sons drive until they earn their Eagle Scout award! There is no logic to that at all! When your 8 yr old is a cub scout, keep his excitement up! Continue on through the scouting program, supporting your boy. It should be easy to have his Eagle by 16! Driving not involved.

Friday, June 17, 2011


I'm handicapped, get around in a wheelchair. I've been surprised by the number of insensitive people! The motorcycle drivers that find the lines convenient to park. The man parked in a handicap space while his wife runs into the store for a minute. NO women can run into any store for a minute! The man boy who parks half in handicap space and half in the lines. The shopper who parks their grocery cart on the lines even though the cart return is one space over! Then the big trucks that park blocking the ramp causing my daughter to lift the wheelchair over the curb! Then on the positive side people who hold automatic doors open for you.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Family reunions

We are having our yearly family reunion this coming week! You love your siblings, that's an unwritten rule. Your siblings choice of a mate, makes you think, what! In laws!

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Ferris Wheels

When I was younger I loved thrill rides! I liked fast and scary rides at fairs, etc. The one ride I refuse to ride is the Ferris wheel! You're up at the top, and have time to observe the little screws and bolts that hold it together.

Our little town had a small carnival in the summer just up the street. It was fun to watch them set up, until we were sitting watching rides being set up and 3 or 4 juvenile delinquents my husband worked with had a job putting the rides together! There went my confidence!

Now today on the news an 11 year old girl fell out of a Ferris wheel to her death! Then the news told of other deaths from falling out and dying from Ferris wheels! Now that I'm older and wiser I don't care to ride! Last time I rode a roller coaster I remember thinking if I get out of this alive, I'll never do this again!

Friday, June 10, 2011

Summer Vacation

Make sure you give your kids time to have a vacation! Parents READ to your kids 20 minutes a day! I taught school for 16 years and the first few days of school you could basically tell which kids had parents (not just the mom) who had read to them and read with them!

Thursday, June 9, 2011


Probably the best thing about Thursday is that it's Friday eve!

Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Little Things!

I think it's weird that really important things are so small, but so easy and frightening to lose: credit cards, business cards, and cell phones! Babies are small but way easy to find!

Thursday, May 26, 2011

Annoying Things

1 car pulls out in front of you causing you to slow down and then they go 10 miles under speed limit!
2 just yesterday we were going 20 minutes from home 3 vehicles had left blinker on, my daughter slowed to let them in. They didn't get in. Catching up to them they were all under 30! Talk about growing up too fast that is such an old man thing! Leaving your left blinker on!